This page is for reporting on local initiatives involving LJJIP members and friends.
1st March update:
Edinburgh and Glasgow: As on the last update, we continue to turn out to the Saturday demonstrations in Edinburgh. There was another Scottish national demonstration in Glasgow on February 17th. Maurice Naftalin spoke for LJJIP at the rally. You can read the text of his speech here.
6th February update:
Edinburgh: People from the WhatsApp group (see 30th November update, below) and from LJJIP members in the Edinburgh Liberal Jewish Community have continued to be a regular presence at the weekly Palestine solidarity demonstrations in Edinburgh, with banners and placards advertising a Jewish presence. On February 3rd, for the Scottish national demonstration, the Jewish bloc composed about 25 people, with very prominent banners:
We had no speaker on to the platform on February 3rd, but we’re arguing strongly that we should have a voice at the next national demonstration, on February 17th.
30th November update:
Edinburgh: a WhatsApp group with nearly 80 Jewish members has been been started, mainly by University students but with the participation of others, including LJJIP members. People from the group, typically a dozen or so, have been attending the weekly Palestine solidarity demonstrations in Edinburgh (and sometimes in Glasgow), with banners and placards advertising a Jewish presence.
Leicester: Claire Jackson of the LJJIP organising group writes about this action:
We hear about the sharp increases in antisemitism since the war which followed the abominable events of October 7th. In response I am moved to post my observations during the peace vigil held in the centre of Leicester near the clock tower last weekend.
Jews and members of other faiths were invited to join the vigil, which started with about fifteen people including some of our own Leicester Progressive Jewish Congregation members wearing kippot or tallitot. Peace or peace-related banners were held and it was clear to all that some of us were Jewish.
It was a ray of light for me that Muslims and Christians were with us in equal number. Gradually members of our, and other faiths, as well as people of no apparent faith, joined the circle, some just passers by.
The Hebrew songs that were sung included Od Yavoh Shalom Aleynu – (Shalom Salaam) and many people from our faith and others read poems or sang songs about peace. There were moments of silence and of weeping and at the end Kaddish was recited.
The circle grew and there was a true sense of solidarity and community.
Many passers by stopped and read the banners and moved on respectfully.
At no point was there even the slightest hint of antisemitism from anyone. Once again I want to shout about what a great place Leicester is. Sometimes I get fed up with Leicester – but all this is eclipsed by the genuine warmth and support for a peaceful multicultural and multi faith community.
The vigil was organised by Michele Benn, an LJJIP and Leicester Progressive Jewish Congregation member.