PJJIP Statement of Intent

PJJIP is a network of Jews within Progressive Judaism committed to social justice and the application of universal human rights to Jews and Palestinians in Palestine/Israel.

  1. We believe the core values of Progressive Judaism provide the basis of this commitment, and that as Progressive Jews we have a duty to speak out in relation to all breaches of human rights.
  2. We support initiatives that enable both Jews and Palestinians to live in freedom, security, democracy and dignity.
  3. We are concerned about the corrosive impact of the occupation, settlements and discrimination on Palestinian and Israeli society, and the negative impact this has on prospects for a peaceful and just resolution between Jews and Palestinians.
  4. We aim to promote constructive dialogue amongst Progressive Jews regarding human rights and justice in Palestine/Israel and to help shape opinion in Progressive Judaism.

Our goals are:

  • to provide a space for constructive dialogue on Israel/Palestine within Progressive Judaism, both nationally and locally in our own PJ communities;
  • to educate and inform ourselves and other Progressive Jews on human rights abuses and injustices in Palestine/Israel;
  • to use our voice as Progressive Jews to speak out against human rights abuses and injustices in Israel/Palestine;
  • to listen to, promote and amplify the voices of progressive Palestinians and Israelis;
  • to work with other organisations towards common aims.

May 2021 (revised May 2024)

Contact us by e-mail.